Friday, May 17, 2013

An Update

Not much to say this week, but I felt I had to make an update.  My Pendraken Rat Army has not arrived, and I have been told it is supposed to be cast up early next week.  After "hanging around" on the internet, waiting for the Rats to arrive, I saw a set of easy intstructions on creating walls for 10mm figures, so began work on a few walls for the Ratmen to use when I receive them.  Basically, I cut a styrofoam board into 5 centimeter strips, I then snapped them in half.  After that, I painted the entire thing black with acrylic craft paints.  After that dried for about 20 minutes, I painted in light gray the individual stones.

I think the painting worked rather well.  The top one was the 1st one painted, and I think the stones are to big.  The second one was painted by me later, and the third by my brother at the same time.  I think the 2nd is the best, with the ones on the third being a little to irregular and large.  Below is a comparison picture with some of the Eagle Games/Dwarf 1/72 figures.

In other news, I have done quite a bit of work on the Fantasy box, with quite a few Dwarves and Trolls now sealed, a few in the queue for sealing and others in various stage of painting.
I will be gone this weekend, but I hope to update you next week on the order and the Terrain. 

Questions, Comments?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New Army!

On Sunday, I purchased a 10mm ratman army from Pendraken Minatures.  The force is made up of mainly rats, but has Haedusmen as Behemoths, Night Orcs as sneakers, and Goblins as the cavalry.  This army will be quite interesting to paint, as I have never painted 10mm, Lead, or Pendraken stuff before.  The army makes a 24 AP HOTT force, with a slight emphasis on Hordes.  I have begun to read up on the HOTT rules and I have found they are quite easy.  I decided on building this army instead of 15mm Science-Fiction, so I probably will start that in the summer.
What the Rats are supposed to look like.

In other news, I finished reading 2061 last week, and have begun on Philip K Dicks "Divine Invasion" which is quite bizarre and a slow read.  I am about 1/2 way done with it.