It has been a few months since I updated this place. I keep meaning to get around to it, but never do. Anyway, two weeks ago I picked up the book Conquistador and 2001: A Space Odyssey at the library. I just finished Conquistador yesterday, it was a pretty good book, although it almost seemed like the last few chapters were originally three times as long, but then compacted down to take up less space. Aside from that, I thought the book was quite well written, and I only wish that more information had been given on the outside world beyond the gate and that we learned what happened after the Gate was closed down. I am currently almost done with 2001, having really begun reading it (past the Ape section). It seems that I remembered alot of it incorrectly, even though I have read it twice before.
I also finally got around to watching that Spike "Alternate History" show. It was awful. First of all, I wondered why would there be SS troops in America after 70 years. Then that "inauguration" scene was ridiculous, I dont really see why this nation would have technology so advanced as to track a single person in a crowd, yet could not find him until he was that close to the president. That brought up the point of why they would even have elections in an authoritarian state. Moving on, the idea that the usage of Me262s at D-Day would somehow magically repel the invasion was stupid, it seems that if they were that great, they would have turned the tide in the real war. Then the part about the two German submarines going to America with nuclear missiles in tow was just crazy. And that was about as much as I remember, due to the fact that at the second commercial I just stopped watching, because I figured waiting a few seconds for it to buffer was a waste of my time. There were also alot of errors in the making of the show, such as showing modern Logan airport in the nuking of Boston, as well as the fact there was an African American soldier in a white unit, meaning that the directors really didnt bother to find out about the Armed Forces Desegregation order. I am almost glad the show didnt continue, although it would be quite funny to watch the show in which Alexander the Great conquers all of Europe, yet 2000 years later, Barack Obama is elected president of the United States, the only difference being that it speaks Greek.
Yes, I am sure this would happen. |
Aside from that, my brother and I have painted up some 1/72 scale dwarf minatures as well as the Norse peices from the Eagle Games game Age of Mythology. I hope to put some pictures of them up soon.