I have finally gotten around to taking and putting up pictures of my new troops. In fact, it is a mix of dwarves, made by Light Alliance and trolls and giants, made by Eagle Games in their Age of Mythology Figure Pack. All the figures are well sculpted, but the Eagle Games ones are, as board game peices, not 1/72 scale, meaning the Troll is only a few centimeters over the dwarves heads, so the humans from Eagle Games are only about the Dwarves size. This creates a problem, meaning that I may use the humans as dwarves, as they would not be good humans, however, they are not what you would consider dwarf proportions. I must say that they are not very well painted, possibly I did not put enough primer on. I will only have pictures of the best looking ones on here.
A Group Shot and the Box. |
All the Dwarf Poses. |
A Few Troops. I really like the red cape on the one in the center. |
Some spearmen. |
An Eagle Games Troll. |
Some Eagle Games Dwarves, to be used as Engineers. |
All the Troops, in a box. The unpainted ones are Eagle Games humans. |
In other news, having been to the library on Saturday, I picked up 2010: Odyssey Two and 2061: Odyssey Three, both of which I have already read twice, Philip K. Dicks Divine Invasion, and Edgar Rice Burroughs Pirates of Venus. I have finished 2010 and now I believe I know why I keep coming back to that series, however old it gets and however many times I read it. It seems that anytime you read them, you get a sense of awe and amazement at space in general. It also seems that he makes humans really look small and primitive, or it could be that throughout the books, you feel that the human race and its people have changed.
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